
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Burp Cloths (Serving Others)

For this activity we had the girls choose someone in the ward that was either pregnant or had just had a baby to make a burp cloth for. It actually took us two weeks because the first week we made the burp cloths, then the second week the girls delivered them to the (new) moms.

You'll need:

1. Cloth diapers. Some examples: ( or
2. Cute fabric for the middle.
3. Ribbon to decorate.

All you do is sew the cute fabric down the center of the cloth diaper, and then add the ribbon to make it cute... then mom will be burping thier babies in style!

I didn't get very good pictures, sorry :(

1 comment:

  1. We just did a similar activity for the new moms in our ward. I gave each girl a plain onesie and then had them paint a design on. We used freezer paper as stencils. They turned out cute and it was fun to personalize the onesies with the babies names.
