
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Shape Game - Serving Others

In the Faith in God book under "Serving Others", the following activity is recommended:

  • Entertain young children with songs or games you have learned or made yourself. Show that you know how to care for and protect a young child.
I came across this game as a sunbeam teacher that we called "The Shape Game". I decided to make it for my son and HE LOVES IT! And I love it too cause Easton knows all his shapes now! As I was going over the Faith in God requirements, I thought this would be perfect for completing this activity. First let me tell you about the game... I used my son as the guinea pig :) 

First you lay out an "example" of each shape. We use the white shapes for this:

Then I give Easton another shape. He needs to tell me what color the shape is, what the shape name is, and then he has to put it where it goes with the other similar shapes.  In the one I made, I have stars, hearts, rectangles, triangles, cirlces, pentagons and hexagons. I used the colors blue, red, yellow, green and black. Easton LOVES stars.

 Once all the shapes are sorted, the game is over :).

My little guy liked this game so much I decided to make it with letters and numbers too. He just turned two and he knows how to count to ten thanks to this game... I think that's good?

SO... depending on if the girls in your program have younger siblings or not may change how you want to do this activity. I figured they could spend an activity days hour making this game, then take it home and be in charge of playing it with their younger siblings. If they don't have younger siblings, maybe they can still make it and then donate it to the nursery, spending a few minutes at the beginning of nursery or Sunbeams on a Sunday teaching the kids how to play? 

1. A shape template as shown above. Or if you already have dicuts or shape punches, that would work great too. 
2. A pair of scissors
3. Foam or paper. 1 sheet of each color (or enough for each girl to make each shape once). I used foam because I wanted it to last a long time. I bought it at hobby lobby with a 40% off coupon and it came to 3.84 for 12 pieces (12" x 18"). I think a good idea for activity days would be buying the 8.5 x 5.5 size shown here. They have this at Micheal's too. The shapes would be pretty small, but would still make a fun game. Then you would want to print two templates (shown above) per 8.5 x 11 page. 
4. Bag for the shapes when they are done. A ziploc bag would work fine. 

So for each color (or piece of foam/paper) you'll want to cut out each shape once. When you are finished, it should look like this: 

My older nieces LOVED playing this with the younger kids and as a bonus they all learned their shapes :)

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