Thursday, September 30, 2021

Goal Development Sports Camp - Learn the Latter Day Saint Primary Program - Primary Activity


Teach the Personal Development Program while playing sports! Seems like many are still a bit confused on this new(ish) program that replaced Faith In God. This activity is a great way to teach the program to everyone (leaders included) while being active and hopefully keeping younger kids attention!

The only prep work for this activity is to print these files, hang up them up, but out the inserts and gather sports supplies. 

You will need:
- a soccer ball
- two baseballs
- two footballs
- a basketball 
- a volleyball
- two water bottles 
- gluesticks/tape
- scissors

Place lesson posters on a wall or chalkboard with the missing parts nearby. Once a game has been won, a team may choose which lesson piece to unveil and place in the correct place. This does not have to be in order. 

Once all the part of the lesson are unveiled, the lesson should look like this: 

“Idea races” Place all the cut up “idea” papers on a table near the lesson posters with tape or gluesticks.  Players must run to the other side of the gym (or backyard or room), return and choose an idea paper and while placing it on the correct category, they must yell it out. The person to place the most until they all run out first, wins. 

Then explain the "My Primary Goals" page and explain how they can choose different goals to work on. This is a handout for the end of the lesson. I recommend laminating this page and getting each kid a dry erase marker so they can continue working on their goals at home. 
Included in this listing is this invitation - comes as four to a page for easy printing :)

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