Thursday, February 2, 2017

Aim For Virtue- Latter Day Saint Valentines Activity - Seek Virtue, Lovely, Good Report and Praiseworthy things

I wanted to make a Valentine's activity using the the thirteenth Article of Faith since it mentions love and being uplifting and virtuous. For this activity you'll also need either a Nerf gun or bow and arrow about 15 mins to cut out hearts and make scripture cards and candy (candy is optional).

1. Thirteenth Article of Faith Race

For the first part of the activity, divide the group into two groups and have in an envelope these slips of paper with the 13th Article of Faith written on them. The first group to get it in order, wins. I think this is an awesome way for the participants to familiarize themselves with the 13th Article of Faith. 

2. Scripture Word Guess

For the next part of the activity, I made 15 scriptures "cards" - The first side has the scripture with a missing word and the other side has the missing word. Choose a volunteer to go first (you could keep the teams from before and let the two teams compete to see who can guess the most words. If they guess the wrong word, the other team could steal). Here's how I put them together:

3. Aim for Virtue and Love

I think this part will be the most fun. The girls can be little Valentine cupids and with a Nerf gun or bow and arrow (dollar store normally has both of these) and "Aim for Virtue and Love" by trying to hit one of these 32 hearts with qualities/traits written on them. If you still have the two teams you could ask for a volunteer from each team and give them each a gun. The girl that hits the most hearts in 1 minute, wins a point for their team. OR- If they are taking individual turns, they can get a candy for each heart that they hit. There are also 15 smaller black hearts that if they end up hitting maybe they are deducted a point or have to swallow a yucky jelly bean or something.

*** I edited the hearts to be bigger and easier to cut out since the ones shown here***

 At the end of this activity, I would encourage each girl to choose a virtue they would like to work on (maybe they can pick a virtue heart from the wall and bring it home with them). Ask them to go home and discuss with their parent ways they can be better.

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