Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Primary Goals Activity - Brain Teaser Challenges while Brainstorming Primary Goal Ideas

 There are a lot of goal ideas/examples listed in the Primary Personal Development book. I wanted to go over those with our youth, but didn't want it to feel boring or like we were just reading together from the book. Really this idea can be adapted to any game, but this is what we are going to do - 

First, I will pass this page out - so while we are playing the game and going over ideas, the youth can maybe jot down a goal that they heard that they liked, or one that they thought of themselves. 

I will have at the front of the room/on the chalkboard. It has all the ideas listed in the book on its own paper facing down, and as we play the game the youth can come up to the board and uncover these goal ideas/examples. The youth will read out to everyone what idea they uncovered. 

I think you can use the idea of uncovering the ideas as you play a game with just about any game (maybe play a card game like spoons if that's easier for ya), but this is the game we are going to play cause I like the idea of "brain teasers while we brainstorm". Just need two dice!

There are 15 brain teaser cards, and 45 goal ideas. I will have the youth turn 3 ideas over each time they come to the board. 

Once all the brain teasers have been played and ideas turned over, I will go over the Primary Personal Development Program by sharing the scripture and components of the program. I will put these papers up on the chalkboard. 

At the end of the lesson, I'll pass out this Primary Goals page. Hopefully they were able to brainstorm a few ideas from each category, but now using this page they will pick just one and commit to work on it. I recommend laminating this page so they can change their goal as they complete them. 

Get my files for this activity HERE

Monday, January 3, 2022

Get To Know You Questions Cards - Social Activity

Primary Activities

 Hello 2022!!

So my understanding of the new program from when they first presented it and did away with Faith in God was that the biweekly activities were meant to help children with their goals. NOT that we as leaders would be tracking them, but helping with a goal here and there. Seems like that is not being pushed as much for the children as it is for the youth, but if you are in a ward that is hoping to use activities for goal development, this is for you! 

In our ward we are having a planning meeting dedicated to just teaching what it means for them to be in charge of the activity and giving them some ideas/direction. 

At the meeting we will finish filling out this calendar, where we will allow the youth who want to to sign up for a date they would like to be in charge. We have quite a few youth in our ward so it will take the whole year to pencil just some of them.... we are going to start with those that want to. I prefer to plan a year at a time so I chose to split it by 6 month calendars, but I also made calendars that are 4 months at a time in case that works better for others :)

4 month-

At the end of the meeting we will give this handout to each person that signed up as a reminder for when they are in charge and hopefully give the parents some direction to help their child. 

I have included all these files for the "planning meeting" in the Activity Days Starter Kit available here.