President Nelson recently said:
In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.
In an effort to play off the word "survive" and since my family is obsessed with the show survivor, I wanted to make and activity with challenges and word puzzles and tons of FUN! Here is what I came up with....

You can save this as an image on your phone from this blog and use a text editor to fill in the place, date and time :) We do electronic invites via text and GroupMe in our ward!

After printing, it took me about 30 minutes to prep. I rolled the challenges into scrolls and tried them with burlap string. I cut out the puzzles and tied the name tags. Only other prep is gathering the pens, cups, cottons balls and spoons :)
To start the activity, I would read the welcome letter and explain that each round has 1 challenge and 1 puzzle. Whoever wins the challenge gets to do the puzzle.
I tried really hard to tie the challenge to the gospel standard it related to. For example:
- I will follow Heavenly Father's plan for me = challenge is a maze
- I will choose the right = challenge using only your right hand
- I will dress modestly (from head to toe) = longest handstand
This reward challenge can be used however you want! During the game or at the end....
I made these so if you fold down the top and then start rolling from the bottom you can tie it and still see what number challenge it is.
I did a trial run for this activity with my daughter and a few of her friends - and we had a TOTAL blast.
When they got to the activity, I had all the girls fill out their name tag/tribe necklace (everyone is part of the Nephite Tribe) There are white circles where I used a hole punch and then used burlap string that I got at the dollar store to make it into a necklace by taping the back.
After reading the Welcome Scroll, we started on the challenges. The first challenge is going through a maze. I tried tying each challenge to the Gospel Standard as well as I could :)
The tribe member that wins the challenge, gets to solve the puzzle. I was worried the same person would keep winning all the challenges but it was actually pretty even!
After solving the puzzle, have the tribe member read the Gospel Standard to the group. Then tape it together and if possible, post it where everyone can see it. If we were at a church, I would post it on the chalkboard.
Making a tower of 5 cups.... this ended up being a favorite challenge! I recommend NOT doing what I did and assuming I had solo cups in my basement... I had to use cups from my cupboard and that changed the game a bit. SOLO cups or a cup like it would have been much better.
We ended with a Reward Challenge where everyone got a treat!
My files for this activity are available HERE