Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Book Of Mormon Treasure Hunt - Priceless Treasure of Knowledge Activity - Latter Day Saint Primary and Youth Activity

Go on a book of Mormon Treasure hunt to learn about a few priceless treasures of knowledge and examples of great character! 

Before the activity, leader prepares the 24 envelopes with the "treasure card" inside (and candy if you choose the optional missionary object lesson). Once everyone is at the activity, allow all the players to go hunting for envelopes. Once you think they are all collected, meet all back together and have the players share the envelopes they collected. 

In other words: 

Find all the envelopes and answer a Book of Mormon trivia question before you can open the envelope.

In the envelope, you’ll find a treasure card. Read the scripture and guess what character trait we learn from that scripture hero.

Keep your own record of the priceless treasures of knowledge and examples of great character.

Hide a bag of candy/treat with each envelope. One person collects that envelope & candy. After meeting all together and while  sharing the character traits, a player also shares a piece of  candy with everyone. Tie in how  missionaries also share knowledge with others. (With 24 envelopes, I recommend small candy like jelly beans or M&M’s. Getting just one won’t seem like a lot, but after 24 it should be plenty.)

Files for this activity can be found here. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Baptism Blanket Gift Idea and Tag

We have more than a few kiddos getting baptized in our ward this year and we wanted to have something when we go visit them right before their baptism. I've seen some pretty cute ideas with a bag full of goodies and each goodie ties into something gospel related. That was super tempting but I think I like this idea better. 

We got a $2 blanket from Ikea and slapped this on there. I like this idea better because it removes the distraction of "stuff" and will hopefully let us focus on talking about the baptismal covenant. We can teach them what we covenant to do when we are baptized, and what the Lord covenants to do when we keep our end up. 

The PDF's for this gift tag can be found HERE 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Primary Carnival - Latter Day Saint Primary Activity - Games and Gospel Learning



I wanted to make an all-encompassing primary lessons, super easy and cheap but BIG fun activity and I think this might just hit the mark! 

This activity has 5 carnival games that are super easy - I did not have to purchase a single material for this... I already had everything at my house! 

Basically there are 5 games, each with a different gospel topic and before a participant can play the game, they have to answer a gospel question. 

The 5 games with their gospel topic are:
1. Article of Faith - Egg Crate Toss
2. My Gospel Standards - Ladder Toss
3. Baptismal Covenant - Bottle Toss
4. Book of Mormon - Ball and Cup Toss
5. Alpha and Omega (Christ) - Tower Toss

For each game:
1. Player must first answer a gospel question.
2. Player gets 2 turns at the carnival game plus a bonus turn if they answered their gospel question correctly (with or without help).

Suggested use:
Divide your group up and send to each game (if you had 10 players, you'd have 2 at each game). Have them take their turn and then wait for the others to play. Then have each group rotate. 

The 5 Games: 

You can get the files for this activity on my Etsy here