Friday, October 15, 2021

Articles Of Faith Trivia Cards - Spiritual Development, Primary Activities, Family Home Evening, Primary Teacher Aid

SO MANY uses for this! Perfect for a Primary Activity - divide your group and have a competition, awesome for any Primary Teacher to put in a church bag to have as back up for any extra Sunday School time, for family home evening or even in a Sacrament bag (made these for my 8 year old son to look at during sacrament if he gets restless). 

 45 trivia cards & 3 answer cards. Takes about 10 minutes to prep (unless you choose to laminate, I laminated mine). 

There are 5 question categories:

 Fill in the Blank
 Name the Person
 Which Number?
Finish this Phrase
 What's Missing

If a player gets the Article of Faith question wrong, they must complete the "Wrong Answer Challenge" all of which are quiet brain teasers. Some examples: "Rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time", "Circle your head in one direction and at the same time try circling your tongue the opposite way" and "Make a clockwise circle with a foot, while drawing a “6” with a hand. Did your foot stay clockwise?

Some trivia card examples: 

Get the files for these Trivia Card HERE


Monday, October 11, 2021

Articles of Faith Sports Camp - Spiritual Development - Primary Activity Days

Articles of Faith Sports Camp - Spiritual Goal Development 

Divide group into two teams. Each team picks one player to compete for each round. The winning team earns one point and picks an articles of faith card.  If answered correctly,  the team earns an extra point. Everyone on the team can help answer the Article of Faith card. Winner chooses the next activity.



Thursday, September 30, 2021

Goal Development Sports Camp - Learn the Latter Day Saint Primary Program - Primary Activity


Teach the Personal Development Program while playing sports! Seems like many are still a bit confused on this new(ish) program that replaced Faith In God. This activity is a great way to teach the program to everyone (leaders included) while being active and hopefully keeping younger kids attention!

The only prep work for this activity is to print these files, hang up them up, but out the inserts and gather sports supplies. 

You will need:
- a soccer ball
- two baseballs
- two footballs
- a basketball 
- a volleyball
- two water bottles 
- gluesticks/tape
- scissors

Place lesson posters on a wall or chalkboard with the missing parts nearby. Once a game has been won, a team may choose which lesson piece to unveil and place in the correct place. This does not have to be in order. 

Once all the part of the lesson are unveiled, the lesson should look like this: 

“Idea races” Place all the cut up “idea” papers on a table near the lesson posters with tape or gluesticks.  Players must run to the other side of the gym (or backyard or room), return and choose an idea paper and while placing it on the correct category, they must yell it out. The person to place the most until they all run out first, wins. 

Then explain the "My Primary Goals" page and explain how they can choose different goals to work on. This is a handout for the end of the lesson. I recommend laminating this page and getting each kid a dry erase marker so they can continue working on their goals at home. 
Included in this listing is this invitation - comes as four to a page for easy printing :)

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Primary Trick Or Treat Halloween Activity - Teach the Latter Day Saint Personal Development Primary Program - Primary Activity


HEY Primary Leaders!!

I hope it hasn't been as hard for you getting back into the swing of primary activities as it has been for me! Such a crazy year... but hopefully we can all get back to it!

So I know so many are confused about the new program. I stemmed this activity off of a treasure hunt from a couple years ago (when the new program came out) in hopes to help teach the program not only to the kids, but the leaders too!

For this activity, you can get my files HERE on my Etsy and you will also need: 

-  10 pieces of candy per child

-  1 bag per child (I used brown paper bags) 

-  Tape

-  Bowls to put the candy in

Primary Trick Or Treat - Print one for each child. 

You can set this up anyway you want to really. One option is to have the trick or treaters go from classroom to classroom in a church, you could have them go from room to room of a house or if you would like to get out and have ward members involved (or parents) you could ask them to pass out the candy and travel around a neighborhood. It would just take a little extra prep work to distribute the candy to the homes beforehand. If you do that, I recommend using these included door signs so kids know which houses to go to :)

You will want to put all the candy with the taped candy covers on it in one bowl for each category. So for example, all the candy with "spiritual goals" written on the candy cover will all go in one bowl, behind the "spiritual goals" residence. 

After collecting all the candy (10 pieces total), the children will remove
 the candy cover from the candy and place it on their map. They should be
able to use the same tape that was used to tape the candy cover to the candy. 

And Voila! Hopefully a super fun way to teach the new primary program!.